Saturday, 5 June 2010

Beer, skittles and even some trophies

Thursday night was the grand social event of the year. The Annual Reflex Camera Club Skittles Night. Plenty of alcohol was drunk, skittles were umm skittled? (is that the right word, is it even a word?) and Trophies were awarded. 

The first Trophy was for Print Photographer of the Year and Daisy accepted it on behalf of Larry Whetton.

Barrie Tovey Collects Best Print Photograph of the Year from Rosie.
(Were sorry about the height difference between Barrie and Rosie in the photograph, we did try to get him to stand on a box but he got vertigo)

Ian Coombs accepting the Trophy for Photographer of the Year.

 Rosie presents Mark Stone with Best Projected Image and Projected Image Photographer of the Year.

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