Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Studio Lighting Course

4StevieP by Alison Davies

On Sunday some of the club attended a Studio Lighting Course run by Andy Milne at our meeting room.  I've seen a few of the images that were created and have to say they look great. The course took them through setting up the lights and light modifiers and then it was onto taking the pictures. Starting out with a little portraiture, progressing onto Lingerie and then Figure work. Louise was superb and needed little direction which helped make everything run smoothly.

Everyone that attended would like to thank Andy and Louise for making it such a brilliant day. Of course those of us that couldn't go are just waiting for him to arrange the next one.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Here we go.......

It's that time of year when thoughts turn to "just how cold can it get in the meeting room?". We kick off with a meet & greet evening. Bring along your pictures or digital files so that everyone can see what you've been photographing over the break. Will there be more strange people staring out the windows of a pub or will the elusive Indiana Spiers put in an appearance. If your wondering just what on earth I'm talking about, then sign up to Flickr and join in the wonderful, if a little strange, goings on in the Reflex Camera Club Group.

Rosie stepped down at the end of the last season and I'm sure you'll all want to join me in thanking her for the work she put in during her time as Chairperson. So the new season also brings a new person at the helm and I'm sure your eager to make sure he gets a warm welcome to the job. Rotting fruit can be had at the back doors of most supermarkets at very cheap rates. Allegedly.

Last year was fantastic for the club and we want to build on that and give everyone the opportunity to get more involved. There's lots of idea's bubbling under the surface, some need a little work and others are ready to go. Don't worry though. No one's going to feel pushed or forced to do anything. By now I hope your all eager to find out what's planned. Well you'll just have to wait and see. Some things will be introduced early in the season and others will gradually trickle in over time and you may not even realise they've been implemented. There have already been a few changes the most obvious of them is the new website. We've also made changes to how emails are sent out and a lot more of the things you don't see, that happen behind the scene's, have changed.

So put the date in your diary 2nd September 19:30 at the Langton. Don't be shy, bring along pictures or digital files to show. Most importantly though, bring yourselves along, catch up with your friends and have a great time.

One last thing. Hopefully you've enjoyed having the regular emails and updates during the break. If you haven't then speak up. If you think it should be done differently or have any suggestions. Tell me. I won't be offended. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

New Season, New Look


If your reading this then the chances are you've noticed it looks a little different. What you haven't? Go put your glasses on and look again. It's not just a new colour scheme for the Blog its a whole new website for the club. I'd like you all to join me in thanking Joules for doing an outstanding job and putting up with all the demands and moaning from those of us involved.
Here's a short walk through some of the biggest changes.
When you visit the new site you'll see that it looks a lot different. First thing is slap bang on screen a photograph from one of you! Remember a while ago, seems like months to me, I asked you all to be on the lookout for invites into a new Flickr group. Well this is where we are putting those images. Right in the face of anyone who visits the site. The picture changes randomly each time you visit that page. So if you feel left out and want one of your pictures there, sign up to Flickr and add me as a friend or email in a link to your Photostream.

Wait there's more!

The about us page now gives people a much better idea of what we as a club like to do.

The programme page has received one of the biggest overhauls. Now as well as being able to download a PDF file of the meetings you can also look at a Calendar which not only lists our meetings but also shows events in our local area. So with a simple click of the mouse you can see what's on. Hanneke does a superb job of keeping that calendar up to date. So you should all buy her a cup of tea next time you see her!

The News link still takes you to this Blog but does so with much more panache.

The Galleries, my personal favourite. Remember the old one, just a few stale looking links to various websites. Well it's all high tech now! Slap bang in the middle is something you may not have seen before. It's called Cooliris. Remember the pictures on the front page? Well this shows all of them at once. You can even make it fill your screen up to see the pictures in all their glory. Just click on the bottom left icon of two white, diagonal arrows. Hang on though because, if you scroll down the page you will see links to individual members Flickr sites. Not just boring links though, click on one of them and you will see just how magnificent the pictures from your friends are. Of course if you haven't replied to my email telling me its ok to feature your Flickr page here then your name won't be on the list. No Flickr account? Then go sign up, it's free! I have to stress you have to have told me,by email, its ok to put you on this list otherwise you can't be added. If you have agreed to it and your name still isn't on it then just give it a week or so. We're still addressing a few issues.

The contact page just lists different ways to get in touch with the club. It looks great though. As does the Find Us page. Yeah I know its missing the clubs meeting address, it's being added soon.

That brings us to the last page. The links to other website's. If you have a private website that you want added to the list then tell us about it.

If you think we need to add a website to the list. If we've forgotten something. If something isn't right. If you feel we should be doing something differently.

Tell us about it! Because if you don't we won't be able to correct it.

Oh and of course if you've never visited the club website before, shame on you, here's a link


Saturday, 14 August 2010

Unsavoury characters seen around Bristol Docks

On Thursday night we had our walk around the Docks. It was supposed to be a meet at Weston Super Mare but those inconsiderate people who are rebuilding the pier are behind schedule.
Ten of us turned up outside the Ostrich Pub and we had an enjoyable stroll along under the three cranes and up to the Buttery, which unfortunately was closed. Lots of pictures were taken and we all had a great time until a boat full of topless rowers went past, shameful display if you ask me, and someone got all excited!

We all enjoyed ourselves and I'm sure you'll get to see some more of the pictures that were taken. This, terrible, picture was at the end of the walk when we decided to rest our weary legs and get some much needed refreshment back at the Ostrich.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Keith Neil Crispin

I'm sad to say that Keith lost his battle with cancer and has passed away. I joined Reflex after he left so never knew him but those of you that did will, I'm sure, miss him. His funeral was held on 11th August at Haycombe Crematorium in Bath.
The photo was taken on Reflex's first ever trip to Skomer.

Monday, 2 August 2010


August is a month packed full of opportunities for photographs. We've just had the Harbour Festival, which broke its previous attendance record and was a huge success, and the Balloon Fiesta is only a couple of weeks away! But those large prestigious events are not the only things happening. Oh there are loads and loads of things to do! Fancy visiting a steam fair? Well all this month Carters Steam Fair can be found on the Beach Lawns at Weston Super Mare. Opening at 11am until late.

On Saturday 7th there is an event close to many a west country man's heart. Bristol's Cider Festival is being held at the Brunel Shed, Temple Meads Station. On offer will be over 100 ciders and perries.  The best in local entertainment. Somerset's premier Wurzels tribute band The Mangledwurzels will be playing a full show at all three sessions. You can find more details HERE

On the 8th is the regular monthly car rally by the Avenue Drivers Club. They meet at the Avenue Cafe, Queen Square. Around 9am. Might be a bit early for some of you especially if you've been to the cider festival the day before.

All these events and more can be found on the Google Calendar that we maintain HERE

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