Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Whose it going to be?

There's going to be plenty of nail biting, gnashing of teeth and worried looks this week as we hear the results of the first round in our Annual Open Competition. Whose won? Well you don't have long to wait. Soon we'll all be sitting in that darkened room listening to the judge and either inwardly seething or annoying everyone with a big smile.

There is something really important that you need to remember though. No matter what the outcome. Don't take it personally. The judge may love your picture, which is great and vindicates all the hours you spent agonizing over it. Or they may absolutely hate it. Just remember it's only one person's opinion. Sure for that night they have the power to make you feel wonderful or just as easily they can make you feel deflated and never want to take another picture ever again. Normally they make good constructive comments. Rarely their wire's short out and they seem to go a bit power crazed. Sometimes you wonder if they have even looked at the pictures. But one thing, the most important thing, is don't let anything they say worry you or get you upset. More importantly

Don't let it stop you taking pictures.

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