Sunday, 20 February 2011

London Salon travelling exhibition CD.

If your not sure that your coming along to the next meeting then let me try to persuade you that it will open your eyes to a side of photography that will either see you arguing that it's not photography and asking everyone what the hell is that supposed to be.  Or you will absolutely love it and think it's amazing.

The London salon seems to either bring out the greatest admiration for photographers trying to extend the boundaries of what is acceptable or make you think that the judges and people who took the pictures were on very strong hallucinogenic drugs!

On the front page of their website is the following statement;

'The aim of the London Salon is to exhibit only that class of photographic work in which there is distinct evidence of artistic feeling and execution'

It's not often that you can say it, but it's an organisation that certainly keeps to it's mission statement!

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