Sunday, 24 April 2011

Something new.


The more eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a very slight change in the way the Blog looks. But for those of you that haven’t, look over on the left. Yep that’s it. Above the Facebook box there now resides a list of the pages that are available to you on the blog. Pages? They aren’t anything special but they allow us to put information or articles on them that will just sit there permanently for you to look at whenever you want to. And as today’s Easter I thought I would give you all a nice present and unveil a new page just for you.

It’s the third one down.

Yep that’s the one it’s called “Photography on the Web”. Simple title for what is a page of links to various photography resources on the web. I hope you all find it useful and if you think of anymore that you would like to see added to the list then just let me know.

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