A.K.A. That’s a bloody good picture!
Last Thursday we had the pleasure of meeting David Southwell for the second time when he judged our Best Print and Best Projected Images of the year competition. His style of judging was superb instead of just describing what was in the picture (we can all see what it is so why do judges do that?) he actually went into great detail about what he saw when he looked at each photograph. Not just “that’s a nice picture” but why he thought it was good. He talked about how his eye travelled around the composition and if it seemed to get caught on any of the detail within the frame. It was probably one of the best explained and detailed bits of judging we’ve had for quite some time. So on behalf of all of us at Reflex I’d like to thank David for doing a superb job.
The winner of the Stand Scantlebury Shield wasn’t present, so she got sent a text message. Her reply was
“Oh my God! You poor proper photographers and to think I don’t know an F stop from a bus stop”
To get our own back we’re going to make her organise every social event for the next 20 years!
Now onto the reason you’re here. The photographs that have won our John Hankin & Stan Scantlebury Shield’s. As you, hopefully, know these are for the Best Print and Best Digital Projected Image taken by a club member this season. Only pictures that had been entered into a previous round of this season’s open competition (including the Trio) were eligible and I’m glad to say we saw some superb Images.
Congratulations to the winners and a huge thank you to everyone that’s entered picture’s into this year’s Open Competition. You should all be proud of the images you’ve created.
John Hankin Shield | Stan Scantlebury Shield |
Winner | WinnerUnbroken Gaze by Alison Davies |
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HC: Waiting by Ian Coombs | |
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