Saturday, 20 August 2011

12 Months with Reflex


If you were there at last weeks meeting not only did you get a surprise when you walked through the door into the room you would of heard Kevin talk about something we would love to get you involved in. That something is what we’re going to call 12 Months with Reflex.

The plan is to arrange a day out taking photographs once a month with club members. Why are we making a bit of a fuss about it? Because we want you to get involved. Not just by coming along to take pictures but by helping to organise the trips. We would like 12 of you to take one step forward and volunteer to organise one of the trips each month. It’s not difficult really. All you have to do is say where you want to go and take photographs. Easy isn’t it! Pick a month and a date, pick a location then just tell everyone that’s where and when we’re going. The we’re not looking for highly organised coach trips or anything like that. Just somewhere that you can wander around and take pictures.

If you need inspiration you can take a look at the Bristol Flickr Walk Group to see some of the photographs that have been taken when a group of photographers from the Bristol Area, who are all on Flickr, have got together and wandered around taking pictures. Or you can look at this thread in our Flickr Group that lists lots of places you could use as your location.

If you feel up to the challenge then let Mark or Kevin know on a Thursday night or you can email Mark at the usual club address.

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