Friday, 23 December 2011

We are moving!!

At Reflex we've got a lot to look forward to in the New Year. Not only have we got some fantastic meetings lined up with some great speakers & Practical nights but there's the move as well.

January the 5th
we will be meeting at
St. Anne's School Hall

It's just a few minutes walk down the road from the Langton so there's no excuse that we've moved too far.
If you get that new camera for Christmas and want to improve your photography then come along and see if we're the club for you. 

If your wondering why we're moving then there's a very simple reason. We outgrew the room! Over the last two years we have gone from 15 members to just under 60! It's been hard work but well worth it. Our members are some of the friendliest and helpful people you could hope to meet. They are Men & Women of all shapes, ages and from all walks of life. There are people that have only just picked up a camera to those that have been taking pictures for a very long time. Also we don't care what you use to take your pictures. It can be an old Kodak from the 70's or the most modern expensive digital camera on the market. We're not camera snobs.

After all it's not the Camera but the picture that counts.

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