Friday, 10 September 2010

Yep I still forgot it!

Well as usual my memory let me down again and for the second week running I forgot to take in the Arctic Butterfly. The club and I are not endorsing that product I only provided the link so those of you who thought I was lepidopterist know they are wrong (There now not only did I save you money the other day with that discount code I'm also teaching you new words!).Which resulted in getting told off yet again. My only defence is I have a lot on my mind. Blinking and Breathing take a lot of concentration.

Last night we had Ray Grace showing some of his landscape photographs and I'm sure you'll all agree the pictures were superb. He also gave a talk on Photoshop. Unfortunately he had a few laptop problems and was a bit flustered because of the terrible traffic problems on his trip to us. Despite that he managed to teach a few of us some new techniques. Although I'm sure more than one person who took notes will wake up today and look at them as though they are in another language.

It was fantastic to see all the new faces from last week back again and don't forget, at next weeks meeting you should bring in up to 10 of your most recent pictures. Digital files or Prints. Don't be shy I know it can be daunting and a you might feel a little embarrassed but it's a great feeling when you realise everyone enjoyed looking at your pictures. It's not just for the new people though. Anyone who is coming along should bring in work. It's going to be a night to show what you did last summer!

Also if your reading this and think you might like to be on the clubs mailing list. Drop me an email and I'll add you to it.

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