Monday, 6 September 2010
Reflex Camera Club Competition Rules
Below are the rules of entry for the Club Competitions. I know at first glance they seem daunting and confusing but they are pretty simple really. If you want to download them to your own computer to print or read them at your leisure then they are available to download in PDF format from the club website HERE. If you need it then Adobe's free PDF reader can be downloaded HERE. Make sure you remove the tick in the box that says you want the McCaffe Security Scan Plus.
Please do take the time to read through the rules if you are planning on entering. As there is important information in there. They tell you everything you need to know on HOW to enter the competitions. What they don't tell you though is how to prepare your images. However, if you keep an eye on this blog then you will see over the course of the next few days a series of articles explaining how to resize your pictures using Photoshop, Lightroom and how to resize them for printing if you are planning on entering prints this year.
If you have any comments or need something explained you can either get in touch at the usual email address or ask on a Thursday night. There are two other ways that you can get help though. One is to sign up to Flickr and ask in our Clubs Group page (you will however need to be a fully paid up member of Reflex to join our Flickr Group), or you can ask in the Comments section of this Blog as we have now turned comments back on.
Open Competition
1. Members may enter up to three prints and/or three digital projected images in each round.
2. Prints and Projected Images are judged separately.
3. Prints may be of any size as long as they are mounted on card not larger than 50 x 40 cm.
4. Digital projected image entries: see Appendix for conditions of entry
5. Entries should be handed to the competition secretary by the closing date, as displayed on the notice board and in the programme.
6. An entry that has been awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Highly Commended may not be entered in the Open competition again. Any not placed may be entered once more in another round.
7. Entrants are awarded points according to the scheme shown below.
8. At the end of the season, the entrant with most points in the print section will be awarded “Print Photographer of the Year”. The entrant with the most points in the projected images section will be awarded “Projected Image Photographer of the Year”. Points gained in print and projected images sections will be accumulated and the entrant with the greatest number of points overall will be “Photographer of the Year”.
9. Entries should reflect the entrant’s recent work.
10. All entries must be the work of the member. However, trade-processing of prints is permitted.
11. Any variation to these rules will be announced at club meetings and shown on the notice board.
12. The Competition Secretary’s decision is final, and he/she may:
a. Refuse to accept any entry that they consider does not comply with the spirit of these rules.
b. Vary the rules in exceptional circumstances provided the spirit of the Club is not prejudiced.
Points system
1. Entrants will be awarded one point for each projected image or print on the first occasion it is entered in the open section.
2. Additional points will be awarded for “placed” entries:
First - 8 points, Second - 6 points, Third - 4 points, Highly Commended - 1 point.
Trio Competition
All rules as “Open” but with the following changes:
1. The competition is judged “live” on the night.
2. Points awarded count towards print, projected image, and overall photographer of the year.
3. You may enter up to three sets of three projected images and/or prints, to be judged as sets. See appendix for special rules for digital projected images.
4. Entries may be brought on the night, but earlier submission will help the Competition Secretary.
John Hankin Shield (prints) & Stan Scantlebury Shield (projected images)
All rules as “Open” but with the following changes:
1. Each member may enter prints, projected images or both, up to a maximum of 3 each.
2. The judge will select the best image, print & projected image.
3. No points will be awarded.
4. Only images that have been entered in the Open section during the current season can be entered, including those that have been “placed”. Individual images from Trio entries are acceptable.
September 2010
Digital Projected Images – conditions of entry for all Club Competitions
1. Images will be projected in a landscape format of 1400 by 1050 pixels maximum and should be sized accordingly.
2. Portrait (vertical) images should be no larger than 1050 pixels high.
3. Images must be correctly aligned for projection.
4. The image must be in jpeg (.JPG) format with sRGB colour space. The JPG should be saved at maximum quality (this is not a requirement but is in your own interests!)
5. A title MUST be provided for each entry – the title will form part of the name of the file.
6. The file name will consist of:
a. A serial number (01, 02 or 03) followed by an underscore (_)
b. The title of the entry (which may include letters, numbers and spaces but NO other characters) followed by an underscore
c. The name of the entrant (which may include letters, numbers and spaces but NO other characters)
d. As an example: “01_My wonderful image_Fred Bloggs”
7. Entries may be submitted by email, on CD, or on a memory stick.
a. PLEASE ENTER BY EMAIL IF POSSIBLE! Send an email to with the image files as attachments.
b. If you have to submit entries on CD or memory stick, you MUST create a folder with your name (e.g. “Fred Bloggs”) containing your entries. This allows rapid copying of entries on Club nights
Digital entries for Trio Competition
1. Your sets of three images must be contained within SINGLE jpg files.
2. The overall projected image size limits are the same as for all other Club competitions
3. As long as the above rules are observed, you are free to do what you like with your images.
External competitions (such as the WCPF inter-club digital image competition) have their own entry requirements which are different from ours. PLEASE READ THE RULES CAREFULLY before submitting entries.
Reflex Camera Club,
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