Saturday, 30 April 2011

Song or Book Title Competition Winners

You can see all the entries for the Competition in this Gallery on Flickr.

The winner of our Flickr only song or book title competition was …
Mark Stone
(Sitting on) the Dock of the bay.
In Second place was Geoff Morgan

And Mark Stone took Third place as well with,


Tuesday, 26 April 2011



This week we have a visit from not one but two speakers. Joanne Searle ARPS, CPAGB and Linda Harvey LRPS. It should be a great evening with Slides, Prints and AV’s [Audio Visuals, short films] being shown. Clicking on Joanne’s name will take you to her website and Linda’s takes you to her images on the Kingswood Photographic Societies website.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Something new.


The more eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a very slight change in the way the Blog looks. But for those of you that haven’t, look over on the left. Yep that’s it. Above the Facebook box there now resides a list of the pages that are available to you on the blog. Pages? They aren’t anything special but they allow us to put information or articles on them that will just sit there permanently for you to look at whenever you want to. And as today’s Easter I thought I would give you all a nice present and unveil a new page just for you.

It’s the third one down.

Yep that’s the one it’s called “Photography on the Web”. Simple title for what is a page of links to various photography resources on the web. I hope you all find it useful and if you think of anymore that you would like to see added to the list then just let me know.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Vote for your favourite.


The political voting system may be undergoing a referendum next month but here at Reflex we already use the Alternative Vote to choose the winners for our Flickr Competition’s.

So if you want to influence the outcome go and take a look at the entries for “Book or Song Title” and vote for your top three.

If you didn’t manage to enter this time don’t worry you can still vote.

The winner gets to choose the theme for the next competition. So come on wipe the dust off your camera and join in. It’s a great way to get yourself into the habit of planning what your going to take pictures of and it’s fun to join in with club members who enjoy sharing their pictures on Flickr.

Did I forget to tell you that membership to Flickr is FREE! That’s right it costs you nothing to join and it’s really easy to use. Once you’ve signed up you can join the clubs Flickr Group and share your photo’s with other club members or the whole world.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Practical Night


Some interesting talks last night on Lightroom, personal workflow and F stops. We even learnt a new highly technical phrase to use when talking about the built in Light meter on our camera’s; The pointy slidey thing. I for one will be using it as often as possible.

Thanks to Rich Price, Dan Thomas and Kev Spiers for giving the talks. Also thank you to Arthur Belton and Ian Coombs for giving the picture mounting demo’s.

If you have something interesting to say on any aspect of photography or want to demonstrate a technique you like then get in touch. We’re always looking out for people to do this kind of thing on practical night’s. Or if you have something you would like to see explained or want to practice a technique. Let us know.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

George Reekie

Thursday night, the 14th, we have the pleasure of George Reekie giving us a presentation of his work entitled “Japan to Norton Fitzwarren Via Goodwood”. Now if that hasn’t piqued your interest I don’t know what will. If you want to see some of George’s work before the meeting you can take a look at his gallery on Taunton Camera Clubs website. It looks to be a night of excellent photography and well worth coming along to see.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Triptych Results

On Thursday we had the pleasure of meeting John Hoskins (hopefully that is his Flickr account!) as he came along to judge our Trio Competition. He was everything we’ve come to not expect from a judge, entertaining, didn’t talk down to us and actually seemed to enjoy talking about other people’s pictures. So thanks John we thoroughly enjoyed meeting you.
On to the winning entries. As usual clicking on a name takes you to that persons Flickr ‘stream, if they have one, and Clicking on a picture, takes you to that picture on Flickr.

Thanks to everyone that entered and congratulations to the winners.

1st Place in the Digital Projected went to
Richard Price with Hidden Emotions
Hidden Emotion
1st Place in the Print Section went to
Ian Coombs with Charlotte
2nd Place in the Digital Projected went to
Mark Stone with Mead’s Reach at Night
Mead's Reach at Night
2nd Place in the Print Section went to
Ian Coombs with Hats & Tails
Heads or Tails
3rd Place in the Digital Projected went to
Ian Coombs with Zombies
03_Zombies_Ian Coombs
3rd Place in the Print Section went to
Joe Scudamore with The Mating Game
The Mating Game
Highly Commended in the Digital Projected went to
Steve Hallam with Six Bell’s Colliery Memorial
Six Bells Colliery Memorial, Abertillery
Highly Commended in Digital Projected was
Ian Coombs with Puffins
02_Puffins_Ian Coombs
Highly Commended in Digital Projected
Steve Hallam with Transported


Friday, 8 April 2011

John Hankin & Stan Scantlebury Shield’s


Near the end of each season we hold the John Hankin and Stan Scantlebury Shield competitions. These are not part of the Open Competition that we hold each year but they are linked to it.

Let me try and explain. All through the year you’ve spent quite some time trying to pick out your best photographs and entering new ones into each round of the Open Competition. The John Hankin & Stan Scantlebury Shield competitions are slightly different. You don’t get to enter new photographs. You can only enter the ones you have already submitted to any of the previous rounds of the Open Competition. You can even use a single picture from your Triptych panels. All the other rules are exactly the same as a normal Reflex competition. It doesn’t matter if a judge has praised it and declared it the best photograph he’s ever seen or heaped scorn upon it and said it’s only fit for the dustbin. As long as it’s been into a round of the Open Competition THIS SEASON it is eligible for the John Hankin or Stan Scantlebury Shields.

By now your probably thinking so why the different rules for these two shields. It’s easy enough to explain. The John Hankin Shield is for the Best Print of the year. The Stan Scantlebury shield is for the best Digital Projected Image of the year. So if you win you can say you took the best picture in the club this season! That’s quite some achievement.

So now’s the time to start going through the pictures you’ve submitted this season and pick the best three prints and digital images that you’ve already entered. Give them a polish, wipe off the coffee stains and submit them in the usual ways for next Thursday night, the 14th of April. If your wondering what the usual ways are, “Where have you been hiding all season?”. Prints should be brought in on Thursday night, Digital Image files can be sent in via Dropbox (sign up by going here and then email the club to let me know you’ve done it.), by email, or if you’d like to receive Steve’s best disapproving stare, you can bring them in on a memory stick on Thursday night.


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Lunch Break is Over! The winners.


We held our first ever Flickr only competition throughout March with the theme “Lunch Break is Over”. If you want to see all the entrants then you can go visit the Gallery section of the clubs Flickr account.

The winner was Geoff Morgan, cue fanfare & applause.


In second place was Ian Coombs;

Lunch over

and we had a tie for 3rd place between Hanneke Ter Veen and Ian Coombs

I eat gnomes for lunch Lunch Break is over 1

The next theme has already been chosen by Geoff and its “Song or Book Title’s” so get your thinking caps on and start taking pictures!

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